an immersive approach to game management, practices and scouting.

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Put the glasses on and have all the game-related data in front of you without missing a second of the game.

Using Artificial Intelligence and Mixed Reality, Sport Specs creates an immersive environment for monitoring game-time data, real-time communication between the bench and the remote teams of video analysts, sport scientists and data analysts. This ensures that all the important data is not left unnoticed.

Sport Specs enables more effective use of precious half-time by creating a personalized, visual briefing for each player.

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Put the glasses on, download a drill and train like а professional.

No more drills with cones, colors,
and hand gestures

that have nothing to do with the real match experience. No more tactical drills that require involvement of the entire team.

Sport Specs uses
Augmented Reality

and Artificial Intelligence to create a realistic training environment, simulating the mental and physical pressure aspect of game.

Sport Specs allows coaches
to create drills that are:
  • 1. player specific
  • 2. position specific
  • 3. line specific, etc., which makes practices more efficient.
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Put the glasses on, connect with the Coach and track the player in real-time.

Sport Specs provides scouts a more interactive and reliable way to follow players in a game.

In rural areas with no internet connection, record the video of the player, mark game highlights and record audio notes to generate the scouting report after the game.

Watch the player and discuss the player’s performance with the coach located thousands of miles away in real-time.

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Leonardo C

(Head Coach)

Sports Specs allow the coach to receive live game data without having to turn their attention away from the pitch. Enabling quicker and educated game-time decisions.

Leo Á

(Head Coach)

Sports Specs augmented reality offers a creative alternative to traditional drills creating a more realistic training environment. Drills could be position specific without having to involve other players.

Christopher C

(Head Coach)

Sport Specs are a useful tool for developing your model of play. I find it could be particularly useful in game planning. The ability to set rival formations gives players another tool for being match ready.

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